News Announcement, Part of National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Activities, Created to Dramatically Lower HIV Transmission Rates
WHAT: Prayer Breakfast, Call to Action, and News Conference to announce a new campaign based on successes
in San Francisco and New York. This program, ready for immediate implementation, uses real-world social networks to identify
potential HIV+ persons.
WHY: National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
? 10,000 D.C. residents are HIV+ but are not yet diagnosed
? 70 % of new HIV cases are transmitted by someone unaware of his or her diagnosis
? Gay men who have sex with men account for over half of all new infections every year (28,700 infections nationwide)
? Education saves lives!!! Help the residents of D.C. get tested and take control
WHO: Vincent Gray, Mayor, City of Washington, D.C.
Mohammad Akhter, MD, Director, D.C. Department of Health
Gregory Pappas, MD, Director, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, STD and TB Administration, D.C. Department of Health
Frank Oldham Jr ., President and CEO National Association of People with AIDS
(largest and oldest patient advocacy group for people living with HIV/AIDS)
WHEN: Prayer Breakfast, Call to Action 9:00am to 11:00am TUESDAY SEPT 27
News Conference 11:00am to Noon TUESDAY SEPT 27
WHERE: Metropolitan Community Church, 474 Ridge Street NW, Washington, D.C.
(Two blocks from Convention Center, near 5th and N Streets NW)
Contact: David Sheon 202 422-6999 Aaron Frank 610 613-1020 email:

The National Association of People with HIV/AIDS (NAPWA) Founded
in 1983 as the largest and oldest advocacy group for people living with HIV/AIDS, NAPWA is the trusted independent voice for all
people living with the virus in the United States. NAPWA remains a strong voice in policy, capacity building, leadership
development, and social networking. NAPWA is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization based in Silver Spring, Maryland. For
more information about NAPWA, please visit
"Reproduced with permission - "National Association of People with HIV/AIDS (NAPWA) "
National Association of People with HIV/AIDS (NAPWA)